Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This feeling that im having now, is really..... really unexplainable......

why do i have this feeling that im hurt? i just cant get over it... someone please tell me what to do? really... since we are starting anew, why do i always had this feeling that something is really not right? why do i feel so much pain and sadness more than before? why cant i feel happy? ever since  both of us start anew, i feel pain.. more pain, the feeling is like your heart had just been stabbed by a thousand knifes. All i see are a broken reflection of the two of us, that cant be fixed back together again... we were just trying to grow up and move on with our life. but i cant promised you that i can move on. this feeling just hurts alot... everytime i turn back and look at the past, i would always hear your voice, your laughter.... it just cant make me stop thinking of you...but thinking of you,  my heart will cry alot... instead of sheeding tears, my heart just shed droplets of blood, those droplets of blood, shows how much im hurt. i just hope that things really can be how they used to be like last time.. but well, i guessed that.... a broken reflection of two of us, is really very hard to fixed back again.... it will just crack more and more... and eventually, shattered into million pieces....... how i really wished...... that the time will just stop for awhile...... really... :(

Haruna, Tomomi, Rina and Mami~ <3

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